Sense Tecnic Labs
Sense Tecnic maintains strong ties with local universities and the IoT research community and has been at the cutting edge of IoT development since 2010. We are active participants in conferences such as Internet of Things and the Web of Things Workshop. Currently, Sense Tecnic is working on several projects that will be incorporated into the core WoTKit platform. If you are interested in learning more about these research projects or participating in testing as they transition into production, please send us your contact information, and we’ll keep you up to date on our progress.
Overview Slides and Technical Papers
FRED: a Front End for Node-RED.
Node-RED is an open source visual development tool from IBM simplifying the job of wiring up today’s world of things and services. Sense Tecnic is working on a multi-tenant host for node-red for users to integrate it with the WoTKit, and rapidly spin up and host their Node-RED flows in the cloud. Using FRED, developers are able to leverage Node-RED’s ability to integrate APIs and services available on the web to rapidly create IoT applications for data processing and analysis without the need to deploy and host Node-RED themselves.
Contact us for more info and to sign up for a test account info AT
Distributed Node-RED.
Common IoT scenarios require real time interaction between things, but application development can be difficult. Node-RED eases the development of IoT applications, but it is hosted on a single device or server. The distributed Node-RED project aims to make it easy to build applications that coordinate interaction between things using a distributed data flow programming model.
Get the slide deck or get the technical paper
For those that want to hack some, the GitHub repo is here 🙂
HyperCat is an emerging standard for IoT data Hubs. SenseTecnic were one of the original authors, developed the first commercial implementation, and have incorporated HyperCat into the SenseTecnic IoT platform. The work was carried out as part of the SmartStreets project.
- More info on HyperCat
- Checkout the the live Smartstreets data hub from Sense Tecnic that implements HyperCat
- View the slide decks on IoT Interoperability with HyperCat and on Smart City data Hubs using HyperCat
- Rodger Lea and Michael Blackstock, CityHub:a cloud based IoT platform for Smart Cities. Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2014 IEEE 6th International Conference on. IEEE.
- Michael Blackstock, Rodger Lea, Toward a Distributed Data Flow Platform for the Web of Things, at the Web of Things Workshop held at IoT 2014, October 6–8, 2014 in Cambridge, MA, USA.
- Michael Blackstock, Rodger Lea, IoT Interoperability: A Hub-based Approach, The 4th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2014), October 6–8, 2014 in Cambridge, MA, USA.
- Rodger Lea and Michael Blackstock. 2014. Smart Cities: an IoT-centric Approach. In Proceedings of the 2014 International Workshop on Web Intelligence and Smart Sensing (IWWISS ’14), Pierre Maret and Satoshi Honda (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA
- Ricardo Aparecido Perez de Almeida, Michael Blackstock, Rodger Lea, Roberto Calderon,Helio Crestana Guardia and Antonio Francisco do Prado, Thing broker: a twitter for things. Web of Things Workshop 2013 In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing adjunct publication, New York, NY, USA, 2013.
- Michael Blackstock and Rodger Lea, Toward interoperability in a web of things. Web of Things Workshop 2013 In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing adjunct publication, New York, NY, USA, 2013.
- Michael Blackstock, Rodger Lea. IoT Mashups with the WoTKit, Internet of Things Conference 2012 (IoT 2012), October 2012, Wuxi, China, winner of Best Paper.
- Michael Blackstock, Rodger Lea. WoTKit: A Lightweight Toolkit for the Web of Things, Web of Things (WoT) workshop at Pervasive 2012, June 2012, New Castle, UK. winner of Best Paper. Slides
2011 - Blackstock, Michael, Lea, Rodger and Friday, Adrian, Uniting Online Social Networks with Places and Things Web of Things (WoT) workshop at Pervasive 2011, June 2011, San Francisco, USA Slides.
- Michael Blackstock, Nima Kaviani, Rodger Lea, Adrian Friday, MAGIC Broker 2: An Open and Extensible Platform for the Internet of Things, Internet of Things 2010 Conference, November 29, 2010, Tokyo, Japan.
2009 - Michael Blackstock, Rodger Lea, Charles Krasic, Evaluation and Analysis of a Common Model for Ubiquitous Systems Interoperability. 6th International conference on Pervasive computing. Pervasive 2008, Sydney, Australia, May 2008.
- Aiman Erbad, Michael Blackstock, Adrian Friday, Rodger Lea, Jalal Al-Muhtadi, MAGIC Broker: A Middleware Toolkit for Interactive Public Displays Middleware Support for Pervasive Computing Workshop (PerWare 2008) at IEEE PerCom 2008 in Hong Kong, March 17 or 21, 2008
- Matthias Finke, Michael Blackstock, Rodger Lea. Deployment Experience Toward Core Abstractions for Context Aware Applications. 2nd European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context (EuroSSC), Oct 23-25, 2007 in Kendal, UK.
- Michael Blackstock, Rodger Lea, and Charles Krasic, Managing an Integrated Ubicomp Environment using Ontologies and Reasoning. presented at the Context Management and Reasoning (CoMoRea) Workshop 2007, at PerCom ’07, White Plains, NY, March 2007
- Michael Blackstock, Rodger Lea, and Charles Krasic, Toward Wide Area Interaction with Ubiquitous Computing Environments. 1st European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context, Enchede, The Netherlands, October 2006.
- Michael Blackstock, Rodger Lea, and Charles Krasic, Toward a Shared Model for Wide Area Interoperability of Ubiquitous Computing Environments. System Support for Ubiquitous Computing Workshop (UBISYS) 2006 at Ubicomp 2006, Orange County, CA, September 2006.